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Tax Rebates

SARS offers tax rebates to lighten your individual tax burden. These are tax rebates based on age, medical expenses, and retirement contributions. For most salary earners, the primary rebate automatically reduces your tax liability based on your income. You might also qualify for secondary rebates if you’re over 65 and tertiary rebates for individuals over 75.

Additionally, medical expenses exceeding 7.5% of your income and contributions to retirement funds can further reduce your tax liability through deductions. Remember, these are just highlights, and consulting a tax professional is crucial to ensure you claim all eligible rebates and deductions for maximum benefit.

Tax Rebates

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Tax Rebates 2024 2023 2022
1hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41Primary17,23516,42515,714
2hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41Secondary (65 and older)9,4449,0008,613
3hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41hAARfrBHhC19/02/2024 08:41Tertiary (75 and older)3,1452,9972,871


  • Tax rebates must be deducted from ordinary taxes due as per the relevant tax table.
  • The primary rebate is deductible for all individuals.
  • The secondary rebate may only be applied to individuals 65 or older on the last day
    of the relevant assessment year.
  • The tertiary rebate is deductible only for individuals who will be 75 or older on the last day of the
    relevant assessment year